Payers change too often to keep a list here that is correct.
If you are currently affiliated with a clearinghouse your best resource is to look at the payer list they provide. It will tell you enrollment details and what services that payer supplies.
If you are shopping for a clearinghouse, then you need to collect some information before making a selection:
1 - You need to know if you will file Professional claims (they print on a CMS-1500 form.) or Institutional Claims (they print on a UB-92 form).
2- You need to collect the heavy hitters - payers that will be the bulk of your filing. Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross/Shield, etc.
3 - How many claims do you file a month? How many providers/facilities are in your system?
From that information we can look at the different plans available and make a best match for you. Sometimes a per claim plan fits best, sometimes an unlimited per provider plan is your best option. We have worked with our Clearinghouse partners for many years and can recommend options.