You can easily setup a routine to backup your data on a regular basis. Follow the steps below to create an icon that will backup your data.
1. From Windows, select Start then Run, then type "notepad".
2. When notepad opens, type in the exact text below. note: If your FastEMC folder is not c:\win_ansi, replace this with the folder your FastEMC is installed in.
3. Replace the "x:" on line 4 with the drive letter of your backup hard drive or jump drive.
4. After you have typed the six lines of text in notepad, select File then Save As
5. Save the file as "FastEMCBackup.bat" You can put this file on your desktop for easy access.
6. To backup your files, double click the new icon. The process will copy any data that has changed. If you have any questions, contact the FastEMC Support Help Desk or open a support ticket online.
@echo off
echo If you are using a jump drive, connect your jump drive and press any key to continue.
xcopy c:\win_ansi x:\win_ansi /s /d /i /c /y /v
echo Backup complete!