New Diagnosis Guidelines for Illinois Medicaid Transportation Providers
Transportation - A diagnosis code is required on all 5010 claims. If the diagnosis code is provided by the treating physician or other practitioner, enter the code(s) as you would any Diagnosis code(s) both in the Diagnosis codes shown at the top line of the screen, and then identify the code on the service line that identifies the need for that service. (In ANSI speak that puts it in HI*BK segment of the 2300 loop).
If there is no diagnosis code available, transportation providers can use a default ICD-9 code of 799.9.
Note: Effective 10/01/2014, the new ICD-10 code set will be implemented, thus making the ICD-9 code value invalid. A valid ICD-10 code must be used on all claims with a service date of 10/01/2014 and after.