

News and Notes

  • Thinking of upgrading? We have many customers who already have done so and FastEMC works well with Windows10. The NSF and ANSI version available for download are up to date. If you have upgraded recently your claims are compliant.
  • Check your current Clearinghouse pricing. Review your volume and see if we can save you some money or give you more room to grow. Flat-rate options are available for unlimited Claims and/or Remits. Submit all lines of business unlimited claims each month for only $59.95 per Provider. We also have unlimited remits at $30.04/Provider. Finally bundle them together and get it for less - Unlimited Claims/Remits for $89.909/Provider.
  • Do you want to be on our email list for newletters and support?
  • ICD-10 transistion happened without issue. Reminder: All claims with Date of Service 10/1/15 or after must use ICD-10. Create a new claim if some services were before 10/1/15 and some are on or after. Enter your codes without the decimal. Please take the time to review your ICD-9 codes to be sure you understand the new ICD-10 codes that you will need to report those same diagnoses properly. Full Payment depends on it.
  • Version 4.0 is available on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Web site to download, for FREE.  Adding support for Microsoft Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit), Vista (32 or 64 bit) and XP (32 or 64 bit). Codes.ini file for Remittance Advice Remark Codes and Claim Adjustment Reason Code were also updated.  See "How to Update (Import the CARC/RARC codes" in the MREP instructions.  Installing Version 4.0 includes the new codes.
  • Check us out on Facebook! The first 40 customers to like our page will get a $5 discount on their next bill, so hurry up and Like us!!! Post a comment. Once you like the page, please send us a message on facebook with your account number or practice name and we will apply the credit immediately. (Limit one credit per account)
  • Please make sure that you invest the time and money to set up a proper back-up for your computer records. Back-ups should be a part of every office’s daily routine and it protects your customer data if the computer were to fail.
  • New Medicare ID numbers will be sent out this year.  Those will replace the ID numbers you are currently using.  All claims should use the new numbers as they become available.  The software will handle the new numbers just fine without any updates.
  • A new POS code will go into affect on 4/1/2013.  18-Place of Employment/Worksite.  The FastEMC code list has been updated and will allow this new code as of the updates posted on 12/10/12.  Please visit the CMS web site for more information on how and when to use this new code, if you provide services that might apply.

Plan Details for FastEMC Basic

Accelerate your claims filing processes

FastEMC Basic is designed for the healthcare provider that already has its own patient scheduling and management software but is dissatisfied with the slow, complicated process of manual claims filing or have a system that is not ANSI 5010 compliant.

Consolidate your paperwork

FastEMC Basic's easy, innovative approach to electronic claims filing will help you consolidate the stacks of paper for each different payer into one streamlined, efficient process. At the click of a button, you can submit your electronic claim or check on its status.

In addition to saving you time, centralizing your claims processing automatically increases your cash flow. By creating a single queue of pending and rejected claims, FastEMC makes it easy to see where you stand with each and every claim. You'll know which payments are on their way and which ones need to be resubmitted so you can finally stop losing claims and start increasing your revenue.

Achieve and maintain HIPAA compliance

FastEMC stores and transmits your data in compliance with HIPAA and CMS standards. We'll even provide you with FREE ongoing software updates to ensure that your practice stays compliant.


To maintain compliance, FastEMC includes NPI fields for every provider on the claim: performing, referring, supervising and facility.

Get free technical support to keep the revenue cycle moving.
No IT person in your office? No problem! Your subscription to FastEMC Basic includes technical support.

With plans starting at about $73.00 per month, why not sign up today?


Home FastEMC Basic Plan Details